The Jewish Drinking Show
The Jewish Drinking Show
Modern Israeli Wine History, Part 1: Early History featuring Adam Montefiore - episode #92
How did the Israeli wine industry get going in the 19th century? Israeli wine writer Adam Montefiore joins the 92nd episode of The Jewish Drinking Show to discuss this topic.
Adam Montefiore is a wine industry insider turned wine writer, who has contributed to the advance of Israeli wines for 35 years. He is the wine writer for the Jerusalem Post. Previously, he worked many years for Israeli wineries and became arguably the most visual champion of Israeli wine in the wider world. He has been referred to as ‘the ambassador of Israeli wines’ and ‘the English voice of Israeli wines.’ He is the author of The Wine Route of Israel and Wines of Israel.
Stay tuned for episode #93 for Adam Montefiore's return appearance to discuss the growth in Israel's wine industry from the 1970s to the present.
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